
Updates from PHP-FIG: April and May

Here we are again, with another bi-monthly update about the state of the affairs here at PHP-FIG. In the last two months, two PHP-FIG meetups where held, during the PHPDay (Verona, Italy) and PHP[tek] (Atlanta, US) conferences. PHP-FIG stickers, shared at the PHPDay front desk Vacant seat as secretary¶ Unfortunately, ...

Updates from PHP-FIG: February and March

Continuing in our habit of frequent posts to update the community, here we are to see what happened inside the PHP-FIG in the last two months. PSR-5: PHPDoc take two¶ As we said in the last update, we are in the process of recovering PSR-5, the proposed standard for PHPDoc. Chuck Burgess is willing to act as the edito...

A month of PHP-FIG #2–4: November 2017 to January 2018

Back in October 2017, Michael Cullum started a new series on the PHP-FIG blog, ‘A month of PHP-FIG’. Unfortunately as things go, the momentum for this didn’t quite get maintained, but fear not, I’m going to do a recap of the comings and goings of the PHP-FIG for the past 3 months. Discussion / PSR Updates¶ PSR-12 Ente...
February 2nd 2018 - Mark Railton

A month of PHP-FIG #1: October 2017

As part of the effort to communicate better what’s going on within the PHP-FIG we’re starting a new series of ‘A month of PHP-FIG’ articles to be released towards the end of each month, each being a 2 minute read or less. This month has been a busy month for the PHP-FIG. We’ve kickstarted a couple of PSRs with PSR-12¹...

Hello world: The PHP-FIG blog

A lot goes on within the PHP-FIG but one of the biggest problems we have is communicating with the rest of the PHP community what’s going on. To try and improve the situation, we’re launching this PHP-FIG blog written by the Secretaries and others. It will contain: Regular updates on what’s going on with the PHP-FIG ...
October 23rd 2017